Hello class, today we discuss "Indeterminate Growth".
Indeterminate Growth is the condition or state of being in which an animal or plant continue to grow based on the size of their environment throughout the span of their life. This trait is common in vertebrae, fish and reptiles and THE HUMAN MIND.
"Ah, ha-ha! I got your attention with that one, didn't I?" Marshal smartly remarks to his class of zero.
More and more I realize that, as a friend of mine would say, we are a product of our environment.
I get to work with people a lot, it is the most interesting, frustrating, rewarding experience I can think of. I see people, including myself, from all different races, income levels, religions, self-esteems & ages plane out at precisely what they believe that they are worth. In all areas of our lives, ALL.
As a whole, we live up to the expectation for our life, the environment of our mind/soul/spirit. Not our dreams and goals or visions but the picture of ourselves that we can accept and not be twinged by a hint of doubt. It's a mental game, the whole enchilada, a big exercise in faith and growth. A game of how big can you believe and what do you see yourself worthy of? Not limited by our neighborhoods, education, parents, color or whatever other lame duck reason we can manufacture.
I believe it to backed up by scripture even; 3 John 1:2 " to prosper as does your soul prosper". How does my soul prosper? Growth, enlightenment, knowledge, faith, self-worth, realization of power, confidence, stability, becoming more! Mark 11:20-26 "to ask and not doubt in your heart and mountains will be moved", what kind of mountains? Literal? Figurative? I don't know but if at the worst they are only figurative and we can get the low expectation, hurt from the past, poor self-image, fear of people, hatred or sickness out of our life, wouldn't that be phenomenal enough?!? If it is literal then so be it! I say we try to not doubt and to prosper our souls as though it is!
Meditate on it, you don't have to cross your legs and go ahommmmmm, but think of it, often, strongly. Tell yourself that you are worth it, tell yourself it must be, picture yourself in it, make decisions based upon it.
You will begin to carry yourself in like fashion and the events of life will begin to line up to produce it. The entire world changes for a man of sustained thought.
Will there be challenges? You bet. It's a game, what is a game without surprises, traps and pitfalls? The only way to lose is to quit.
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