Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Change, now it's time for change...

More and more I realize that there will never be an end to the changes in our life and it is those who consistently look for the merry-go-round of life to stop revolving and evolving that fall asleep at the wheel as their "life" passes them by.

How is that for an opener?!? 

By nature, I resist change, my personality is one that doesn't like you to change the rules once I have a grip on the way things work.  Recently I have realized that it is change that has ushered in some of the greatest things I have in my life; my wife, my girls, my friends, my personal growth, jobs, my trajectory, everything!  If I had allowed myself to bury my head in the sand and attempt to ignore the ever-changing world around me I would have missed out on so much.

Is that to say that all change is positive change?  No, that can't be, or there would be no contest in life.  You cannot be a winner in life without a challenge to win, there cannot be a victor without a battle to fight, there cannot be an over comer without a circumstance to overcome!  Inversely, if there are winners, then there are losers, if there are victors then there are victims, if there are over comers then there are the defeated.

So the question is what divides them?  What is the difference?  I can't pretend to know everything in the world but from where I stand it appears to be the attitude in which the change is viewed.  Rarely can we keep the change from occurring but we can adjust ourselves to meet it with zeal and determination.  The change is not the arena in which we fight, life is.  We win at life.  It is what we do.  Why?  Because we control our actions and attitudes, that's why.

The six inch battle between the temples is where it happens.  If we can focus first on controlling our minds, faith and reactions to the oppositions or changes presented us, we can purposefully direct the course of our own lives and not be defined by the obstacles we meet.

I am excited ladies and gentlemen, life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love this post... and the look of your blog. I'll definitely be following.

    The 6" between our ears is 100% spot on. It's always about our reaction to such change.As I constantly preach... the 1% mindset is the only way to separate. Set yourself apart from the average 99%, and watch what happens!

    Do you have twitter account? Would love to follow you there too.

    Mine is www.twitter.com/CoachDayne

    Talk with you soon. Thanks for dropping me the email.

