Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Married white male, 31, employed, fit, non-smoker seeks self, thinks they enjoy a good book and long walk on the beach but doesn't really know...

Alright, here's the question:  How did we get so lost?  How did we get so convinced that we have to conform to a social norm?  Are we hard coded to seek pattern and submission in our genetic makeup?  Is it some kind of caveman tribal instinct to run and hide or put limits on how big the universe can be or how far our capabilities or gifting can take us?  Or is it boundaries instituted by larger forces to keep you from being great?

The cliche claim to phsycadellic drugs were that they "open doors" & "take limits off" of minds, I think this sounds great but I am not on board with hallucinogens.  The chemicals usually required to make your mind produce images and live in that alternate view of reality are pretty harsh.  Here's my theory, the hallucinogens are a shortcut to what we can do or who we can become by temporarily disintegrating the boundaries we have assumed.  The addiction is mental freedom and the limitlessness of our minds and our psyche.  I believe these limits and this freedom is more available and greater through natural routes. 

Terms like self-image, enlightenment and spirituality come with limits, boundaries and something you are supposed to be or to become; if not a public concept then a private ideology.  A jello mold that snaps our mind into an unoriginal form that doesn't frighten us or keeps us from "going to far" and "getting carried away".  I am beginning to think that casting off of assumptions and boundaries leads to a free mind more than a realization of mystical evasive truths.

Maybe the realization is just that, maybe it's as much as we have discovered, theorized and philosophized there is more that we don't know than what we do know.  There is more about me and about you that we have ignored or forgotten!  Stop being someone else or the concept of someone else.  Stop being what other people want you to be and start being who you have to be!

The boundries in our lives are there to keep us from destroying ourselves, from going down.  To escape we must go up.  To escape we have to become more than those that would control us.  To become more, we have to become ourselves.  We automaticly win if we can be ourselves.  You will be the only one of you in the world, speak the truth you know to the lost, debate the truth you want to learn with others who have come home to themselves.  You'll naturally be great being you; you will naturally be the best. 

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